On this page you can have a preview of how your text will look like inAndron.
Der Große Prespasee oder einfach nur Prespasee (mazedonisch Преспанско Езеро Prespansko Ezero; albanisch Liqen/-i i Prespës; griechisch Λίμνη Μεγάλη Πρέσπα Límni̱ Megáli̱ Préspa) ist ein See im Dreiländereck von Nordmazedonien, Albanien und Griechenland im Inneren der Balkanhalbinsel. ☞ ☞ ☛ Place your text sample in here …
Here you can check the character repertoire by Unicode code charts. Note that of the more special characters the coverage of the charts is not the same in all six fonts. The most comprehensive repertoire is to be found in the Regular font.
By clicking on a character’s underscored name you generate a specific link to that character in your browser’s header. Vice versa, if you insert a certain Unicode value in the URL you can check this character in thetables.