Script Systems

Andron at a glance

The Andron font family contains 6 fonts and more than 15,400 glyphs altogether, the major share of it being in the Regular font which contains 5,400 characters.

centre of typographic excellence
κέντρο τυπογραφικής αριστείας
centre of typographic excellence
κέντρο τυπογραφικής αριστείας
centre of typographic excellence
κέντρο τυπογραφικής αριστείας
Semibold Italic
centre of typographic excellence
κέντρο τυπογραφικής αριστείας
Small Capitals
centre of typographic excellence
κέντρο τυπογραφικής αριστείας
Italic Small Caps
centre of typographic excellence
κέντρο τυπογραφικής αριστείας

Andron currently supports the following script systems:

  • Latin  L’océan Atlantique est l’un des cinq grands océans de la Terre
  • Greek  Ο Ατλαντικός Ωκεανός είναι ο δεύτερος μεγαλύτερος ωκεανός 
  • Coptic  ϫⲱⲟⲩ ⲛⲓⲃⲉⲛ ⲓⲥϫⲉⲛ Ⲁⲃⲣⲁⲁⲙ ϣⲁ Ⲇⲁⲩⲓⲇ
  • Cyrillic  Атланти́чний океа́н — другий за величиною та глибиною 
  • Old Italic   𐌉𐌕𐌀·𐌕𐌌𐌉𐌀·𐌉𐌂𐌀𐌂·𐌇𐌄·𐌛𐌀𐌌𐌀𐌔𐌅𐌀·𐌅𐌀𐌕𐌉𐌄𐌙𐌄
  • Gothic  𐍃𐌰 𐌺𐍉𐌳𐌰𐌹𐌺𐍃 𐌰𐍂𐌲𐌰𐌹𐌽𐍄𐌰𐌹𐌿𐍃 𐌹𐍃𐍄 𐍃𐌿𐌼𐌰 𐌲𐌰𐌼𐌴𐌻𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍉 𐍈𐌴𐌷 
  • Runic   ᛖᚲᚺᛚᛖᚹᚨᚷᚨᛊᛏᛁᛉ᛬ᚺᛟᛚᛏᛁᛃᚨᛉ᛬ᚺᛟᚱᚾᚨ᛬ᛏᚨᚹᛁᛞᛟ᛬
  • Ogham    ᚇᚋᚎᚌᚊᚏᚋ 
  • Ugaritic  𐎀 𐎁 𐎃 𐎄 𐎅 𐎆 𐎈 𐎌 𐎍
  • Hebrew  סונייקואה יטנלטאה אוה סונייקואה ינשה ולדוגב
  • Mandaic  ࡀ ࡁ ࡂ ࡃ ࡄ ࡆ ࡇ ࡈ ࡊ ࡌ ࡏ 
  • Cherokee  Ꮒꭶꮣ ꭰꮒᏼꮻ ꭴꮎꮥꮕꭲ ꭴꮎꮪꮣꮄꮣ ꭰꮄ ꭱꮷꮃꭽꮙ ꮎꭲ ꭰꮲꮙꮩꮧ ꭰꮄ ꭴꮒꮂ

In-depth support for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic

The coverage for Latin encompasses even special character groups for medieval Latin, according to the MUFI/LinCUA specifications. It also comprises the full repertoire of phonetic letters, as defined by the Unicode standard. The Greek and Cyrillic partitions also comprise fully extended character sets, including historic and ancient characters.

Ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, Μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσε·
πολλῶν δ’ ἀνθρώπων ἴδεν ἄστεα καὶ νόον ἔγνω,
πολλὰ δ’ ὅ γ’ ἐν πόντῳ πάθεν ἄλγεα ὃν κατὰ θυμόν,
When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
I summon up remembrance of things past,
I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought,
And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste:
Я памятник себе воздвиг нерукотворный,
К нему не заростет народная тропа,
Вознёсся выше он главою непокорной
Александрийского столпа.
Andron is particularily suitable for classical studies and the humanities.

Historical characters

Andron has been developed over many years in close collaboration with scholars in linguistics and medieval studies, namely in conjunction with the international MUFI network. Therefore the typeface provides a very comprehensive support for historic characters, particularly for Latin – but also for Greek, Coptic and Cyrillic. Note that some Hundreds of these special characters have PUA codepoints.

Greek (selected)

ͱͰ ͳͲ ͷͶ ϙϘ ϝϜ ϟϞ ϡϠ Ϲ Ϻ Ͽ ϼ 𐅄 𐅆 𐅈 𐅉 𐅊 𐅌 𐅎 𐅏 𐅐 𐅓 𐅕 𐅗 𐅙 𐅜 𐅝 𐅟 𐅡 𐅢 𐅣 𐅥 𐅦 𐅪 𐅫 𐅮 𐅰  

Coptic (selected)


Latin (selected)

  Ʀ ƿǷ ꝣꝢ ꝡꝠ ꝧꝦ ꝩꝨ ꝑꝐ ꝓꝒ ꝗꝖ ꝛꝚ ꝝ ꟿ                                                     Ꜳ Ꜹ                ꝯ ꝰ ꝱ ꝵ ꝸ ꞇ      ↀ ↁ ↂ ↅ ↆ ↇ ↈ

Cyrillic (selected)

ѣѢ ѩѨ ѫѪ ѯѮ ѷѶ ѽѼ ҍҌ ҧҦ ҩҨ ұҰ ҹҸ ҿҾ ӫӪ ӻӺ ӿӾ ԅԄ ԋԊ ԙԘ ԟԞ ԡԠ ꙓꙒ ꙗꙖ ꙛꙚ ꙭ ꙮ ꙳

Special character sets

Andron does not only support several script systems but also a rich variety of special characters of all sorts. Besides the comprehensive alphabetic sets Andron contains many Hundreds of characters, symbol groups and pictographs, of which these samples show a small selection:





Enclosed alphanumerics




Monetary and measurement




Public signage


Transport signage


Look for some particular character? See the testing Andron page.

One of Andron’s praised strengths is its design consistency throughout the entire typeface – even all the special characters are drawn meticulously according to the specific Andron ductus, so that whatever combination appears in text, it will result in a harmonious and typographical pleasing setting.

Item ♁ 1 pt ♄ 3 pts ♂ 1/2 ꝑt put in together, (the ♂) & ♄) mixed together & ye ♁ laid upon them in ye crucib), they in a red heat made a substance viscous like bird lime, wch when cold was full of bubbles & very brittle like a cindre. Dec 18 I found it But upon subliming I could not find yt any of ye lead was carried up Dec 19 I <illeg.> put ♁ 2 P ꝑts ♀ 1 ꝑt together, also ♁ 2 pts & ♂ 1 pt. The first mixture poudered weighed ℥1 (i.e. 436 gr) + 84 gr in all 520gr to wch I put ✱ ℥1 3/4 + 126 gr, in all 889gr. The other weighed 510gr to wch I put ✱ 875gr The first left 258g in ye bottom the last ℥1/2 - 15gr = 203gr.
A sample of an alchemic manuscript by Isaac Newton, set in Andron Regular. (onine text source: Indiana University Bloomington,

Andron Phonetic support

Andron Regular and Italic provide complete character sets of the phonetic Unicode blocks:

  • IPA U+0250
  • UPA ext. U+1D00
  • Phon. ext. suppl. U+1D80

Andron Regular additionally supports these blocks completely:

  • Latin Ext. E
  • Latin Ext. F
  • Latin Ext. G

That allows for nearly every task in composing phonetic notation.

In Andron Italic there is an additional special Dania character set for Danish dialectology (which is set traditionally only in Italics), by utilization of a semi-official PUA encoding scheme.

nŭ̮o̭·rʀt́ĺᴸ͕́t́ɛ e̮d́d́e̮͕̬n ńe̮re̮͕̬n ad́d́ž́ɛ̮͕ sud́ˢ̌́ž́ χ͔βȯ͔ˡ́ʟ́₍ᴦ‿γəsäχᵩ nəru͔̮̇̄i̯ɜ t͔́əlmèn t͔́ələ₍ṭ̄ṣ̌ət u̯ă̭χtə̑ȱ͔̮i̯ɜ jīĺ̆ĺib̬a͕̭₍t̜́̀ˢ̜́i˒˒ χä̆è͔β̬˒˒ χ̬ō͕t̜̬́̄ś̜̬ χ̬u͕ń₍t̜̬́ś̜̬ē·rk̆ka͕rt̀ᵄ ö͔ŋᵤkè·ĺ ö͔ŋ₍ki̯e·ĺ ä̀˳ŋ₍kᵦl klož́ìńt́̆t́ə̑ knaš́̀šə̑t‿ puškùd˽ēdrikšə̑bə̑t‿taràs̀ pᴴridᵉ̇ku hu̮lᵘ̮kɛmɛ̮ ful̆ᴴkˎij̆ᴛ fŭ̮ö·lʟ˲kiɛ ᴋorᵕ̈ᴄ̌́iɛ kor̆ʜ̄č́iɛ mə̑·škam mᴑ·škam pᴞnᵈzᴞ pᴞ·ńᵈzᴞ pü·nᴅᴢo̤ pᴞ·ń₍ᴅ́ᴢ̌́ö̬ pü·ńdž́ə͐ ŋa̭ł̀ŋōδà͕ a̭łŋɐδa͖ś̜ łānōrŋɐᵊ̑ jɯ͔rɔ₍kʙtā͕š̜̬́ d̜́ᴟᴧɔknuŋ tōŋŋāt̀ā͕ś̜
A piece of Uralic phonetic text in Andron Regular. Text source: Klaas Ruppel, Helsinki.
ɐ ɑ ɓ ɔ ɕ ɖ ɗ ɘ ə ɚ ɛ ɜ ɝ ɞ ɟ ɠ ɡ ɢ ɣ ɤ ɥ ɦ ɧ ɨ ɩ ɪ ɫ ɬ ɭ ɮ ʁ ʂ ʃ ʅ ʆ ʇ ʈ ʉ ʊ ʋ ʌ ʍ ʎ ʏ ʐ ʑ ʒ ʓ ʔ ʕ ʖ ʗ ʘ ᴀ ᴂ ᴆ ᴍ ᴒ ᴔ ᴕ ᴚ ᴝ ᴣ ᴥ ᴧ ᴫ ᴬ ᴯ ᴲ ᴷ ᴺ ᴽ ᵁ ᵂ ᵬ ᵯ ᵲ ᵵ ᵷ ᵾ ᶁ ᶄ ᶈ ᶊ ᶐ ᶓ ᶕ ʰ ʳ ʶ ˁ ˠ ˣ ᵊ ᵍ ᵑ ᵔ ᵘ ᵜ ᵞ ᵠ ᶬ
Selected phonetic characters, which are provided in Regular and Italic. For a full, Unicode-based overview see [the Test page](/test).

Andron Runic support

Besides the Unicode-offical characters there is an additional range of Runes in the PUA. A speciality of Andron is its twofold Runic: whereas in the Regular the style of the Runes match the graphic structure of the serif typeface, more or less, it is mirrored in the Italic font in a more lapidar and less contrasted style.

ᚷᚢᛏᚨᚾᛁᛟᚹᛁ ᚺᚨᛁᛚᚨᚷ
Two styles of Runes are available in Andron.
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